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mrstickball said:
steverhcp02 said:
i can understand, to a certain extent a game being exclusive...but for the life of me making DLC exclusive is just retarded....absolutely retarded.....unless MSFT is paying for it, then i have no problem with that because that is logical to be paid for something only problem is that as a gamer i kind of feel its lame, not illogical.

Interesting how 360 owners never complain about exclusive content.

But I agree, it's horrible that Microsoft actually tries to afford their gamers the best games possible. I know that's hard to swallow as a Sony owner but...



From the perspective of wanting to just enjoy the game in it's entirety, I can safely say it is infact lame. This isn't RE4 last gen  where there was a 10 month gap between the GC and PS2 versions of the game, with the latter getting bonus content, which might of actually spurred futher sales. In this case, both are launching simultaneously and yet one console is going to be deprived of bonus content. Mark my words, this will be an attempt by microsoft to establish the superiority of their version, and any benefit to x360 owners is simply a product of making the ps3 version appear less attractive. This used to be easy with ps3 multiplats having framerate and technical problems, and as such the superiority of the x360 version of multiplats were easy to distinguish. This hasn't been the case for some time, so Microsoft is continuing the superior version thing they had going for them earlier in the generation, but in a different form.

It's true we don't know what it is, but this announcement is coming with just over a month to go before RE5's launch, enough time for the word of the forth coming exclusive content to spread far and wide. It is undoubtedly being done with the aim of getting people to buy this for x360 instead of ps3, as was done with gta4. My money is on exclusive DLC for the x360 version.


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