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I'm 26, my earliest console was a NES, and my list is 99% COMPLETE. I have about 260 NES games, in milk crates, easily accessible, and alphabetized. I think I just need to add Spore and Super Metroid (on VC) right now.

Most of these games I've collected at the swap meet at the Classic Gaming Expo, and going to every GameCrazy in my county when they had their NES game blowout sale when they were going to stop carrying them. This was all over the last 7 years or so.

I used to have many more games for NES, SNES, Game Boy, and N64, but they got lost along the way. I remember when my family got a SNES, my mom gave most of our NES games to our neighbors, and that's when I stopped loving her. Then she had a yard sale and sold my fucking Technodrome to our other neighbor's kid without asking me.

And I have 2 SNES's, one of which is yellow as hell, and the other's just barely lost its color.