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If I had bought all my PC games the last few years, I'd be extremely discontent with my purchases, there's no end of shit being released.
Even high review scores don't convince me anymore, I have never in my life experienced such letdowns by highly reviewed games that I have in 2007 and 2008. Most of these games are downloaded, installed and then removed completely after a few days in agony.
If a game is shit, I won't buy it. If a game is so bad that I won't even pirate it, how do the developers expect me to bother purchasing the title by retail?
I buy good games, I buy good music and I buy good movies and TV shows.
Trouble is; most of it is either shir or mediocre at best so I don't want it to begin with.
Here in Norway studies have shown that people who pirate music spend, on average, over three times more on retail music or online purchases, can't be all bad.