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amirnetz said:


Sony is in a bind. They need to reset the market. A small incremental update to the HW will not help. A small update will make the old PS3s obsolete, and at the same time will fail to create any excitement in the market. A pure lose-lose.

So to achieve a market reset they need a big release. Something different. Something exciting. Something that costs a lot to develop. Something that will cost more to manufacture. Something that no one in the market except Sony has any incentive to see succeed.

The Wii was a reset, Nintendo (with Iwata in command) brought something innovative, different and exciting, and it was not a drain, the were able to even put the console in a 250 price tag and sell it for a profit... Sony's drain was in one thing: Blu-Ray, the Cell costed as well but Blu-Ray was the main thing... Next gen they wont need a new media, nor a new CPU architecture, they will only upgrade the console's power and innovate in other area...