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jesus kung fu magic said:

But that $200 gives you access to the biggest hd library and gives you more options for games.


Who cares about the biggest library?  For the 1st quarter of 2009 I already have inFamous, RE5, Killzone 2 and FEAR 2 on my plate.  That's way more than enough for me.  And I'm still working on Disgaea 3 and play MGO and COD4 online.  And I just got the MGS Essentials pack so I plan on playing through MGS1 this weekend.  And I still have some PS2 games I have yet to even start or have just barely started (Okami, Indigo Prophecy, Yakuza, and a half dozen others).  I have way too many games as is, and no room to fit more, let alone another console and it's library.

Maybe I should quit my job and play game full time for a year.  Then I might have time to fit in another console.