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Ahhhh ok i retract my statement about you being all fanboy and stuff.Personally though i dont think that every Nintendo game can be good.Nintendogs deserves less than 70% IMO because yes it might have got millions of sales but did it really increase the game library for you or me?Not for me any way.The only thing it did was sell more DS's and there isnt going to be a Nintendogs2 because well how would it sell it wouldnt have anything over the old one except graphics and we all know that isnt Nintendos approach this gen.BrainTraining is a better atempt at wideining the audience because every can play that.WiiSports was good to but wasnt it just a tester thing to see how the Wiimote would work and then later ended up being included as a game,this game wont widen the audience because its a packin(except JPN)so if someone buys a Wii just for Wiisports and Wiiplay the chances are they will only pick up games that are good for partys or gatherings of people i.eWarioware,WiiWare and minigame compilations.They might pick up another game or 2 but they wont become the big gamer that buys 10 games a year and finishes them all and Nintendo are going for the quick cashin with the Wii for now to attract the 'non'gamers which yes increases the industry but if they dont become 'full'gamers then it will be another audience to target but the games for that audience will be cheaper to make so there will be more of them and thus less Zelda,FinalFantasy,Halo,MGS ets type games because they cost to much to make and the target audience of those games is alot smaller than the target audience of Wiisparts type games,i am talking like nextgen and possibly nextnextgen that this could happen if the games that go to the Wii and DS are flooded with minigame compilations and games that appeal to casuals or non gamers(this is the worst case scenario so it probably wont happen for along time to come but you never know).
Sorry didnt mean to go on so long it just kinda of all flowed from the beginning.

I agree.What if all consoles had sold 15million to date(PS3,Wii and X360) would there be an even balance of fans or more Sony fans because they won the last 2 gens?

End of 2014 Hardware Predictions (03/03/14)

PlayStation 4: 12-15million

Xbox One: 7-10 million

Wii U: 8-9 million (Changed 01/04/2014 from 7-9 --> 8-9 million)