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This is the first of a three part series where we discuss the advantages of each of the three video game console makers.  Obviously, this first article is about Sony; here are six things the company has done brilliantly, six things that Microsoft and Nintendo should ripoff in an instant.

1. Build a Future-Proof Console

For some reason, people have been ragging on Sony for making such a technologically advanced console.  They say that because it’s so advanced, Sony can’t make the PS3 cost competitive with the Xbox 360 and Wii and that is the reason they are losing this race so far.  However, those people fail to see that Sony isn’t in this race for the short term; they’re aiming for a ten-year cycle and, by then, the PS3 will be affordable and not as dated as its competitors.

2. Make a Less Restricted Downloadable Game Market

At first glance, it looked like Microsoft and Nintendo were ruling the downloadable markets with XBLA and Virtual console.  However, when the dust settled, it was obvious that both companies have failed to capitalize on that downloadable market as much as Sony has.  Sony’s PSN is the least restricted downloadable game market other than the PC, which has led to huge, innovative games such as Flower that would be impossible to make on the Xbox 360 (because of Microsoft’s restrictions) or the Wii (because of the console’s storage issues).

3. Make Rechargeable Batteries the Standard

As you probably know, Sony’s controllers are the only controllers of this generation that have built in rechargeable batteries.  It’s amazing to think that in this era where we are surrounded by crisp, high-definition video and 7.1 Dolby Digital sound that we sometimes have to put that all on hold to scrounge from the remote replacement batteries.  Sure both the Xbox 360 and the Wii have rechargeable battery packs available for sale, but that’s just it: consumers shouldn’t have to buy something that should have been built-in in the first place.

(This one is very true, my friend just bought a X360 and he went through about 20 batteries in about two weeks! they were cheap crappy batteries but still.)

4. Implement Blu-ray

Another one of Sony’s controversial decisions that seems to have worked out was their decision to put a Blu-ray drive into the PlayStation 3.  Obviously that was a good idea because a major chunk of the PS3’s sales have come from avid movie watchers who are looking for the best and one of the cheapest Blu-ray players, the PS3.  Although it is probably impossible for Microsoft or Nintendo to implement Blu-ray into their current generation consoles, it is something they should do next generation.

5. Make a More Media Friendly Console

Without a doubt, the PlayStation 3 is the best multi-media console.  Not only does it play games and Blu-rays, but the PS3 also is compatible with a huge selection of video formats.  The Xbox 360 may play very nicely with Windows Media Center, but it lacks the huge variety of video formats that the PS3 has and the Wii… well the Wii can’t even play DVDs so it loses horribly in this category

6. Put a Hard Drive in Every Console

Buy a PlayStation 3 and you will have a 40 GB plus hard drive.  That’s it, no questions asked.  Standardized hard drives open up huge possibilities for developers, who can use that hard drive space in their development, something they can’t do on the 360 (because of its splintered user base) or the Wii (because of its lack of a hard drive).