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N3, man, honestly I didnt like that game. That first propper stage, where you gotta battle towards the castle or something, through that misty forrest... so boring... it takes like 15 to 20 mins if you kill all the bad guys, which I think you have to do or else it wont let you advance, I cant remember, but seriousily, I spent 15 minutes... and died... and then did it all over again... and died... and I'm like "I am not doing this for the whole game!" so I traded it in. And the graphics arnt that good. I thought it would be sweet but its just a bunch of guys standing around doing nothing... and you just run around amongst the mob killing everything and every now and then a stray sword or arrow hits you :( and I got hit a few times to many.

But! the thing is, I also got Burnout and Fable and GT5 Prologue and had just finished playing assasins creed and viva pinata, so the game had ALOT to stand up against. So my impressions were very harsh, and I didnt have time for the game amongst the big scorers.

EDIT: You mentioned you liked DMC4? this game is not even half as good, maybe 1/4 of the game DMC4 is

If at first you don't succeed, you fail