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Seraphic_Sixaxis said:

And lovin it, Dual HD consoles is gaming heaven...






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Alright now that thats done with, i have quite a feq questions. Bare with me and my noob-ishness. :D

  1. I have the Arcade model (Duh.) soley for SO4 and SO4 alone, yet games like LO and IU peak my interest but i heared both IU and LO require an internet connection for some sort of weird update for both games, and i dont plan to buy that Wi-Fi thing so is there anyway around this issuse or am i damned? (You can buy the XBOX 1 Wifi for 30 bones)
  2. Can i freely upgrade my 360's HDD at some point if i so choose, and if "yes" then is it simple like the PS3's HDD swaping? (You gotta buy a new hard drive)
  3. The interface is very odd to me, i may have played games at my local wal-mart and Gamestop but NEVER used the interface once during those times, and it feel very unstable and awkward VS the PS3's XMB any hints or tips to get my self use to it quicker? (Once you get used to it,the PS3 XBM will be outdated)
  4. Is there anyway to charge up my 360's controller without using batterys? Via what PS3's does when connected to a USB port. (Buy an battery charge kit,its 20 bones and its just like the PS3 controller,no batteries)
  5. Xbox Live, ... this may sound absurd... but truth be told i dont know what exactly it is and how to use it, i know this isnt a big deal right now since i dont even have wi-fi or an ether-net cable but i'd like to know more about it since it seems top-notch, i'd also like my own personal review of both XBL and PSN.
  6. What sorts of XBL memberships are there? i always thought there was only gold but my buddy from PSN says theres Silver and its free but you still cant play online, is this true or false?(Silver is free and you can talk to your buddys online,download demos,trailers and everything else,Gold is $$$ but you can play online)
  7. All multi-platform games i will buy for my PS3 since im most comfortable there and 80% or more of my buddies use the PS3 for online, so with that said, name me some exclusive games i may deem worthy. its pretty obvious what my fave genres are (for those who know me around here) :P ..(L4D!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


Well thats about it i guess, feels kinda weird for me, i've NEVER owned anything MS made other then PC's and i feel odd owning a console from them, but the free arcade games that came with it are decently fun and i enojyed the few i played well done MS.

And @my PS3 brothers- im not betraying you guys Nor am i gonna be bias, i'll do my best as a new member of the Dual-HD console owners to treat both consoles with equal respect and gaming time they both deserve. Cheerz every1 lulz!!

HD FTW!!!11eleven!!!!