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I wouldn't worry much about disc scratching. The current house I live in has a rather week floor, and people "bounce" around all the time with no scratching yet. Sure if someone was jumping around in front of my tv and within a foot of the 360 there may be an issue, but by that time I would have severely beaten them them in the head with something. :D

The 360 RROD repair is for 3 years flat, there is nothing paid out of pocket and it useually takes less than a week and a half. (from personal experience) The closer you live to Texas the quicker you get your unit repaired, due to less shipping. Enjoy your 360 man, and don't let anyone worry you about the RROD, its no where near what it used to be, even with the Falcon.

Oh, if you have Netflix you MUST try it on live. I have found I watch more movies now than play games. (believe it or not)

"If you've got them by the balls their hearts and minds will follow."

Quote by- The Imortal John Wayne, the original BADASS!