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@Seancsm: You know, i'm not quite sure do you even understand what a party game is. Eyetoy is far away from party game. Basically it offers you only a single player gameplay. Besides, Eyetoy is a copy of Dreameye.
Buzz is a party game, without a doubt, but saying that "PS2 invented party games" just isn't true.
Party games have existed decades, although i'd remember that after Mario Party came out on N64, the type of games started to be called more widely as party games.

Also, saying that PS2 had and PS3 has plenty of party type games is just BS. It was easier to find a good party type game for GC, that it was to PS2.
Both, PS2 and PS3 had their focus on single player, while Wii is pushing multiplayer, which actually was one of the biggest reasons for the success of NES and it also contributes a lot for Wiis success. And there are number of reasons why the multiplayer is so important.

@Starcraft: Just asking. I found surprising one time that someone had posted (bad) finnish to my wall, but still well enough to form a sentence.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.