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@Steverhcp: By looking at your arguments and examples, are you trying to say, that Wii caters to a market that PS3 can't reach along with the core market, that is competetive? Nobody is denying that each wouldn't have a segment in the demographics that the other can't reach, but the majority of the market reached this gen have been the competetive one. And that's the thing people argue. The only reason it looks like they are in different markets, is because PS3 have taken a heavy beating from Wii in the core market.
If you think what Kaz is saying, is that they are running away from Wii (into a niche market), ie "Sony surrender", which puts the future of PS3 into a bad light.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.