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@Hypnocronic: Six years for 360 before 720 comes out (2011) is my bet too. 2012 for PS4 and N6 seems plausible.
The "ten year plan" isn't really nothing but dry air coming from PR reps mouths. It's for the market to decide how long the console will live in the market. Ten years for Wii is easy to believe, for 360 and PS3 it's much harder.

You know, Nintendo could start to manufacture WiiHD and profit from it at the moment. It could have done it at launch (with the current price). I really doubt 2GHz Broadway and 400MHz Hollywood would be much more expensive than the current ones (and if we look at current processes, 65 nM). It would still lose to PS360 specswise, but differences would be mostly marginal.
Besides, why would Nintendo take away one of the reasons why people would upgrade to N6.

In fact, practically nothing implies at the market, that Nintendo would need WiiHD, it would only add costs and "would fuck the 3rd parties".

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.