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@Just2Fresh: You're right. It can't. And that's the reason why Nintendo isn't doing it. And neither are 3rd parties anymore. This isn't 2007, that argument has been long dead.

And by all means, 360 priced below 200 and bundled with 2 games wouldn't be the most logical choice? Or PS2 below 150?
When you look at the price differencies, you maybe notice that price isn't driving Wii. Admittedly, PS3 is still too expensive, but that has to do with PS3:s appeal, not Wiis. If you're planning to buy PS3, it's 360 that's your primary option, not Wii.

Well, i don't know who would be so stupid to release only "casual" games, maybe Ubisoft, but definately not Nintendo, that would be leaving money on the table. But motion controls is the future.

Consoles have always been "outdated", that's just the nature of a system that's supposed to be on a market for atleast five years. If your system matches high-end PC at the time of its release, it isn't matching after two months anymore.

@Alby: Basically Nintendo is just about as eager as M$ in trying to achieve virtual monopoly, although Nintendo isn't building its strategy into achieving one (i'm talking about the companies core business).
If you look at the different companies, the ones that play their own business and knows blue oceans, are the most successful ones.

Nintendo does and will attack M$ (and Sony), but it's not doing it with the same rules M$ attacks Nintendo. Basically Nintendo attacks M$ with talent and M$ Nintendo with money. Frankly, i'm eager to see what will happen this year, it should be interesting now that Nintendo has stepped into competetive race.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.