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Pristine20 said:
Kasz216 said:
Pristine20 said:
Kasz216 said:

It's obviously PS3 fanboys because of the situation of the console.

It's like the person on the basketball court who trashtalks despite having no shot and getting blown past on defense on every play.

Completly unjustified arrogance is just the worst.

They're all equally as bad... it's just PS3 has the least reason to be so bad.


I don't get it. So basically, if said console is selling more and you happen to be a "fan" of the console, you have more right to be arrogant than another "fan" of said console that's selling less. Is this your point?

If you ask me, the only person that has somewhat of a justification for arrogance about say nintendo's success is Iwata. Anyone else riding on their success to spout BS is as pathetic as it gets. Even if you have/love/treasure the "winning" system, doesn't give you a right to put down other systems because chances are that you weren't the brains behind the success of the "winning" system. People who thrive on the success of others are the epitome of pathetic because it usually shows that they have no successes of their own.

When on a sales site... yeah... i'd say deserved arrogance would be dependent on how well your console is doing.

Just how deserved arrogance on a basketball court would be decided based on... well basketball ability.

You can be the best brain surgeon in the world... but if your jump shots weak you don't have anything to trash talk about.

The PS3 has no real objective on which it can argue it's the best. 

Heck it can't even argue review scores when the review system is broken.

If you like your system sure... that's fine.  Being  a fanboy about it when you've got nothing to back it up though...

that's just stupid... i can understand someone who's a Steelers fan bragging about how good the Steelers are doing.  I can't understand a Browns fan bragging about how well the browns are going to do.

If it was just somoene saying "Hey i love the Browns" sure fine... your a fan of the team... that's totally ok even if the browns do suck and lose a lot of games... maybe they're entertaining to watch for you.  However when you start talking about how the Browns are going to dominate the AFC North... seriously... just shut up.

For example.... name a worse fanboy then Crazzyman.

Go ahead, you can't do it.  He's just that bad.

Crazzyman is a joke account created to entertain us and he does so often.

Still, I don't think having a console in your house gives you any more leverage to talk shit regardless of it's position as bestselling or worst selling.

For example, Levi's sell a lot more jeans than diesel. Does that give a "fan" of levi's jeans more room to talk "shit" than the "fan" of diesel jeans? What is victory anyway in this "console war"? In your sports analysis, it's pretty obvious, in this console discussion...not so much.

The way I see it, anybody simply out to put anything down or especially in cases where they've no experience with what they're putting down just sucks as an individual.

Like you said, this is a sales site and we do a lot of analyses here so getting mad at people for making sales predictions (however outlandish) or predictions of possible changes that could boost X system's sales doesn't make much sense either.


It's perfectly clear cut... most sales wins the generation.  That's how it's been ever since the Atari... the only people who don't see it that way are fans of the losing "teams".