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Funny thing is, like people, they flow with the wind. Meaning whoever is winning will always be the most modest and accepting while whoever is losing will always be the most brutal. It's caused by self-interest. The need to put down something else to make yourself feel better. Whoever is winning, usually doesn't have to do this. Last generation, most of the Sony fanboys were quite modest, at least until the 360 released while the Ninty and MS fanboys were pretty brutal. This generation, the Ninty fanboys are pretty modest although a tad bit stubborn while the 360 and PS3 fanboys have been brutal. Brutal might be an understatement because some of you 360 and PS3 fanboys lack of respect for anything has had me quite disturbed sometimes.

Anyways, the lesson to be learned is that one, fanboys are bad in general. And two, that their attitudes flow with their own self-interest. They look for happiness in a certain aspect other than their own life and to accomplish that they have to bring others down along the way. It's quite sick if you ask me.