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I read every last post and continue to be amazed at the vision of PS3 followers. It's just a sight to watch. In light of Forbes reporting, which along with the Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg form the best and most reliable financial news in the world, and bots just overlook it, call it media bashing and recite the tired PS3 talking point. My heavens.

From now on, keep this mentality - continue not to believe Sony is in trouble. Keep believing Sony is doing great, that it will continue to outsell the 360 and Wii, and that everyone will see the light and graduate to the PS3. Don't sweat those pesky shareholders who have been waiting for 8 years to get paid - and for the love of God are still hanging on. Don't worry about the financial markets that are saying Sony is going to its worst loss in over 50 years.

Yeah, we all have it wrong. Yepp.

OT: To others who are grounded in reality - this is far worse that I expected. I did not realize they had lied 7 out of 8 times. That makes me wonder if the shareholders are locked into a deal with Sony where they have to stay with them for a certain amount of years. I remember when the financial crisis was starting, and I watched my 401K slide start, I just pulled it out and dealt with the aftermath.

Now, with the market a mess, I can only imagine how much farther Sony will fall before they rebound.