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@NJ5: About the keiretsu system; Japan has had a different take in building their economy. Japan has based its economy for everyone to have a steady job, which is the idea behind the keiretsu. Japan has even had laws that forbid companies to fire people (and this is where keiretsu becomes important). Propaby because of keiretsu, in Japan 30% ownership of another company is enough to be counted as being a part of the company (as opposed to 50% elsewhere). You're propably not familiar with keiretsu because a) Japanese stockmarket isn't considered as interesting here, as the big western ones b) people don't understand the system c) we don't have excact word to describe keiretsu.
Slorg net seems to know this better, so maybe he wants to add or correct something.

@Slorg: Bailing out strategically important companies start, when government ownership ends.
Usually USA haven't had the need to bail out its companies due to large domestic market and there being someone bigger to buy out the company that's going under. Now it's the big ones going down.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

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