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thekitchensink said:
liquidninja said:

@all those disagreeing with Malstrom.

I think Nintendo's decline in sales of their consoles before the Wii partly shows that they were losing Core Customers. It was only when they attracted new customers that they started selling better than their previous consoles.

Their sales were declining because of increased competition.  The SNES had the Genesis, The N64 had the PS1 and Saturn, The Gamecube had Dreamcast, PS2, and Xbox.

Yes, but the NES was not without competition too, so why did it crush its competitors so thoroughly, in a manner no other console has been able to so far? More importantly, why were NES games able to attract so much attention in an era where public indifference towards gaming was so prevalent, and (allegedly) the most devout gamers of the time were dedicated to playing on PCs rather than the NES?

Your statement is literally correct, but I feel that it only tells part of the story.

Shanobi said:

See, I believe their lower sales in the "hardcore" market, is due to the competition showing more boobs, and blood.

People are simple. Why bother with a game like Metroid Prime, which will make you think, when you can drive around for hours in GTA banging hookers and then running them over? There's a reason summer blockbuster movies and porn do so well, and it's not for their attention to craft.

Perhaps, but the snobcore are such a miniscule percentage of the gaming population that their migration away from Nintendo could not possibly account for the results we've seen. The losses in sales posted can only be brought about if the masses started to move away from Nintendo games, and the data definitely indicate that they did just that. I'm not sure I buy Malstrom's arguments as to why they did so, but I'm sure that they did.