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This is what i wrote months ago:
Toppic: Who out there buys games based on game reviewers? (07/04/07, 13:05)

This showing that rating don't make games good or bad, but people do. If you don't like the genre you probably won't like the game neither. Thats why i hate the hype thing, games that are meant to be just good are thrown around as ammo for a 'this thing rocks' wether the thing is an engine or console. Leaving people with too high anticipations and thus resulting in an unhappy consumer. This has happend especially in the PS3 branding, games like resistance or lair end up (or will end up) as something considered a bad game. Not that they are bad, people just expected too much of it.

I think it still holds, I have the feeling that before the PS3 (time limited) pricedrop people just wanted the console to at least outsell the GBA. So they just kept giving reasons for people to buy one and getting each other excited by 'that month that game will come out and it will drive the console sales'.
It isn't just plain stupid, but it just gives the game a political edge and that can't be good. And admit that when we are talking about the PS3 about 60% of everything told is about the graphics it could/would/will provide. The other 5% is about Blue ray and the rest is a split up between price/PR/games/sales. And face it: currently the last 4 ones are just bad.

Don't forget that this is a trend over the whole internet and is also almost the only feedback developers get from the net: the game i'm making looks like a 360 game and it should look better and we want 1080p and 60fps. Result: a very very good looking gameboy game.

M-maybe just try to give developers good ideas, just like we had spinning around when Nintendo said that the controller would be the unique part of the Revolution. That really helped Nintendo out and still does.