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A man gets pulled over by an officer for speeding. The officer approaches the car and asked the man for his liscence and registration.

"Why, sure officer, but wouldn't you much rather be interested in the drugs in the glove compartment, the weapons under the back seat, or the dead bodies in the trunk?'

The officer somewhat in shock at what the man said intructed the man to stay put while he called in for back up. Cop #2 arrives on the scene and the two policeman begin to search the man's car which was totally clean.

Cop 2 says to the man, "Sir, this officer informed me that you had dead bodies in the trunk."

Man, "I'm afraid that isn't true is it officer."

Cop 2, "He also said that you had guns under your back seat."

Man, "No, I am afraid I don't."

Cop 2, "Well, what about the drugs in the glove department."

Man, "I don't have any of those either."

Cop 2, "Well," but is suddently interupted by the man.

Man, "Let me guess, officer, he probably said I was speeding too didn't he."