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Comrade Tovya said:
superchunk said:
Comrade Tovya said:


Uh, no.  If the IDF (actually, IAF) didn't care who they killed, they'd cluster bomb Gaza into the stone age.  Israel does take measures to try and prevent civilian casualties.  But if Hamas leaders are going to hide behind women and children, then you can't eliminate the possibility of such casualties.  Like I've show time and time again, Hamas leadership admits that they kid behind civilians for the purpose of those civilians dying. 

And as for the UN buildings, etc, Hamas was using those installations as bases of terror, and the UN didn nothing to prevent this (nor have they since 1967).  If the UN will not prevent terrorism from being commited in their vehicles and buildings, then they'll just have to accept that those things are in risk of destruction.  The UN is joke anyway, everyone knows that.  All talk, no action.

A) When Israel bombs/artilleries buildings where it is absolutely known a large number of civilians are hiding from the war, regardless if there are enemy combatants standing on top, you can only conclude that they don't care about civilian deaths. Its exactly the samething as Hamas shooting missiles into Israel. Both are inherently wrong and both shouldn't be allowed to happen.

Another point, about 6 days ago Israel bombed the ish out of an apartment bloc. UN and Red Cross, as usual, asked permission to access the area for the dead/injured. Israel refused for over 4 days. By the time they got in there more had died whom could probably have been helped and there were children, so starved of water/food that they couldn't even stand next to their dead mother's bodies. It isn't a mass region, Israel knew there were people there, civilians there needing help, yet they didn't allow them in. For what possibly purpose beyond letting them die/starve etc, would Israel not allow them in?

B) True there have been times Hamas has used these buildings/vehicles as transports. But, when UN specifically says this specific vehicle is delivering food DO NOT ATTACK I would think Israel could be nearly positive that one isn't a target. Yet they still shot and killed the driver and passenger and gravely wounded a 3rd person. Again, complete lack of care for civilian life.

Granted UN is a joke. But, that is partically caused by all security members taking advantage of their veto powers.



I think what I am saying is being lost... the Palestinians are not hiding from the bombs.  Israel actually drops leaflets and calls people on their cell phones to tell them to evacuate before the bombing... instead of hiding elsewhere, they all go into the building for the purpose of being human shields.  Like I've said time and time again, this is not my opinion, but is readily admitted by Hamas that this happens (and they encourage this).  So it's not a matter of hiding from the bombs, the Palestinians are running straight towards the bombs to die on purpose. 


Where are the sources about this? Not that I doubt it.

Also, do you have an idea about how common this might be?