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Home sucks really bad. I haven't gotten into it like I wanted to. I remember awhile back when Phil Harrison was touting this development. I will admit this was one of the main reasons that was having me choose between owning a PS3 or a Xbox 360. I wanted the PS3 for Home. Well after years of delays on this feature. I just gave up and never bothered with it.

Until recently my cousin (DMeisterJ) offered me a beta key to get in on the Home Beta. I liked it for a few minutes just being able to bowl and meet new people. Then it clearly got really boring after about 20 minutes. It lacked varitey and clearly wasn't something I was looking into gaming for hours on end.

It sucks but I think Sony will find more ways to gravitate those existing users that might have said it sucked. They did announce it early, and the hype was clearly lost.