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Honestly, the people who are saying this game wouldn't work on the Wii are completely clueless! For so many reasons already stated above if some people would actually take the time to read instead of just posting to make their penis bigger, they would see that.

With the point and click and cursor like ability similar in some regards to the DS, the online functionality, the Wii Speak accessory, hell even the balance board could possibly be worked in somehow and I don't see how this couldn't work. Also since Nintendo is trying to reach out to all people, especially women and kids, this game has success written all over it.

Think about it, Nintendogs is one of the best, if not the best selling non bundled game....ever. Does anyone think this wouldn't also be huge on the Wii. The game still is a top seller on the DS regularly. Some people really need to wake up.

I'll come up with something better eventually...