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Squilliam said:
vlad321 said:
Squilliam said:
vlad321 said:
Final-Fan said:
vlad321 said:
MontanaHatchet said:
Save for a few gems, this list is really not that impressive. Sorry PC elitists, no one cares. Besides, I can't believe your list includes games like Mirror's Edge and Saint's Row 2 that console gamers got months ago. I'll try not to choke when I laugh too hard.
Half-Life, Warcraft, Diablo, Starcraft (UT would be on here if you completely erase from your memory that UT3 EVER existed). If a new game that has any of those is released in a given year, it really doesn't matter what the consoles have. You can stack MGS4, LBP, SSBB, MKWii, Gears, any FF, ANY game, and it will still be a Technical K.O. 30 seconds into round 1 in favor of the PC. Since I see Stacrcraft in 2009 and a Diablo game in 2010, the winners are already set for those years. I'm hoping for a Half-Life 3 in 2011, I'm REALLY hoping, but I doubt it.

Well ... hmm ... no.

One single game, even StarCraft, cannot singlehandedly make the PC lineup win against a stellar year for consoles. MKWii, M. Prime 3, Brawl, GTA4, LBP, Gears 2, MGS4, etc. etc. I mean, I love StarCraft as much as anyone. I played it like a normal human being in 1998, and kept doing so until it ATE my LIFE around 2000. Then I escaped from the frying pan into the fire known as Diablo II. Point being, I respect what a juggernaut that game is, but no game is THAT much of a juggernaut. But I'm not saying SCII won't win 2009 for the PC.


We can let the numbers speak for them. The latest entries for each of the 4 franchises are still played today (I'm not counting WoW as Warcraft here). Just going on USEast at 7am right now on Diablo II shows that there's still 31k people playing it, and a little over 189k in overall. That's also after the 350k CD keys that got banned by Blizzard several months ago. Now don't get me wrong, but how many games from the years these games were released are still played with such geat fervor. In fact I'm sure there's games that came out in 2008 that aren't even getting this much attention. 8 or 10 years from 2009, people will still be playing SC2, and no one will give a shit about MGS or LBP or Gears2 or MKWii or Brawl or GTA4, etc. etc. In 8-10 years after 2010 people will still be playing Diablo 3 in droves and as before, they won't give a shit about any of the games mentioned above. You also have to admit that there are many people(not all) out there who will buy SC2, and won't buy any other game until Diablo 3 comes out (if then).


Edit: I'm willing to bet they are still selling pretty damn well too!

The recent survey in the United States about console usage showing that the PS2 was still the most played system and that indicates otherwise.



Define game system.

System designed primarily for playing games.



So PCs don't count then....



Believe it or not more than half of the sales of Diablo II and WC3 went to people who didn't even make a account. Or such was the statistic 6 months after WC3 came out. Do you realize what that means when it comes to people who back and play through the games' single-player if the numbers I hgave are just the ones who do play online? Also, I have known several people who have a completely tricked out lvl 99 chars in D2, and they STILL play them. So you see, even single-player games can last you years and years. It's also one thing to play through one game and leave it and then come back to it, it's another for a game to be played non-stop for such an amount of time by such a huge amount of people. Sure I go and replay Metroid Prime every 6 or 9 months, but that doesn't make it even so much as the same level as the Blizzard games.


WC > SC > Diablo > Half-life >> (sum of all other games combined)

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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