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jhlennon1 said:
starcraft said:
jhlennon1 said:
Lost tears of Kain said:
jhlennon1 said:

Last Remnant is a major game, look whos creating the game. Do some research before you just start saying that only big name games, are major games.

I have done research a plenty and I have followed all S-E's games for many years and this game is not a major game, it may be major in the eyes of 360 fans but I expect an average game at best.


Very low chance indeed, but ALWAYS a chance on the 360, you cannot say it has a 0 chance, sorry but you cant. If a few things happen the % could sky rocket. At this point your saying, that SE would rather remake the game onto the wii, where we all know jrpgs rain supreme /sarcasm Remake the game, downgrade models and change gameplay. Genius...... Though it could happen, you cant say wii is the only possiblility.

No, 0%. It just won't happen. You won't see it on the Wii either, but that would be where it would go if Square decided to port the game, which they won't.


And one big MASSIVE LOL to anyone who fell for the 13% S-E joke.

Wheres your proof i want to see it, i want you to show me why there is no chance. Seriously, and why wii, i really want to know.

Wheres your proof on last remnant, show me, have you seen previews that state it looks boring and average? show me, just do it.

the 13% doesnt really matter, release date of december next year, that is a VERY long ass time, guess what things can change in more then a year, and thats if the game doesnt get pushed back.

There is no evidents to your claims, sorry but show me and ill believe you

The fact that there will never be an announcement will be proof enough. I don't need to prove anything regarding that. Wii port is to obviously maximize Japan sales where this game matters most.


Last Remnant is my opinion, nothing about the game indicates anything other then a very average RPG coming.

13% was an obvious joke, hell, they made it blatantly obvious with the 1.3% for Versus.... Seriously.

Keep waiting in hope for a 360 version of FFXIII.... and you don't need to believe me. The fact that the game will never appear on the 360 will be fact enough.

According to this site over half of FFXII sales were outside Japan. If the PS3 FFXIII will have Japan covered, why not sell it on the 360 which outnumbers the PS3 by over 3-1 in Europe and America at this point?

And the 13% was a statement of fact from a high-ranking SE employee


Not happening but you can keep dreaming. Seriously, the 360 difference will not be there by the time this game releases. 

And if you believe the Nomura 13% joke, well..... that just says it all.


Kain, calling a game average or not a major game before it's even released is ALWAYS in opinion. If you read that as fact, then that's your issue not mine.

No FFXIII announcement will come, they won't say there is zero chance because they are not mentioning the 360 and FFXIII in the same sentence ever.

Yes, but you were calling it a average game, based on something other then your opinion, possibly facts or something?

Maybe it wont come still doesnt change the fact that anything is possible, sorry but when they said some things are impossible they become impossible. Seriously i dont think it will come, but there will always be a chance, i dont care what you say.

                 With regard to Call of Duty 4 having an ultra short single player campaign, I guess it may well have been due to the size limitations of DVD on the XBox 360, one of various limitations multi-platform game designers will have to take into consideration-Mike B   

Proud supporter of all 3 console companys

Proud owner of 360wii and DS/psp              

Game trailers-Halo 3 only dissapointed the people who wanted to be dissapointed.

Bet with Harvey Birdman that Lost Odyssey will sell more then Blue dragon did.