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d21lewis said:
A lot of people are against any type of change to the Metroid formula. I can respect that. But then again, didn't the franchise experience a huge change in 2002? Didn't most of us come to embrace it? Metroid is Tomb Raider in space. Keep that philosophy in mind, while making some decisions that grow the experience and we'll embrace Samus again. I want more people playing this franchise. It really is among gaming's best.


I'm all up for change, but a change in the right direction. Making it more of a shooter and slapping MP on it? No thanks, if I wanted such a sub-par experience i'll go play Halo, or COD4, or R2, or Gears, etc. The game is very much about its exploration and puzzles, as long as those are kept and the bad influences are properly disregarded, I'm all up for having it change. I also liked Samus better when she wasn't showing herself so much to the camera....

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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