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megaman79 said:
damndl0ser said:
To some of you who think Google will be the great OS savior, don't buy into the hype. They are a business just like M$ and they will do whatever they like in order to make a better market share. They are no different than m$ in that regard, but atleast M$ doesn't hold your search habits, web browsing history, key logs, and many other things in their server farms. In order to make a Buck, or turn over to the FBI. :D


Btw, Wasn't it your countrys biggest ISP AT&T who worked for the government? Cutting Edge special from last yr. Id be worried about any and all corporate giants. They do favours for the gov. and the gov. does favours for them.

That does worry me about Google but not nearly as much as that mountain of security bullship you get everytime you boot up Vista.


However it may have sounded, I was by no way defending M$.  I was just pointing out that Google isn't Mr. Inocent.  Many of these big corporations are in some way bad.  And America by no means has the monopoly on bad companies, the exist in every nation.  We just happen to be an economic powerhouse so we have more.

I only trust these big conglomorates about as far as I can through them.

"If you've got them by the balls their hearts and minds will follow."

Quote by- The Imortal John Wayne, the original BADASS!