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Right now MS's big problem is that they aren't catering to low powered systems, and even though Win7 seems to be step in that direction, if they aren't going to make a Win7 lite for notebooks and other such small machines (i.e. 1.5ghz/single core + 1gig memory + integrated graphics) they could be in deep trouble with the upcoming (although much extended) drop of support for XP.

If you can get Linux as a known alternative for users in a business environment (something that the Google name could do) it'll help the open source movement as a whole. Now could Google be worse than MS? Yes they could. But at least with the Linux kernel there will always be alternatives (Ubuntu, Mandriva, fedora, SUSE, Debian, etc). Heck the Linux kernel is so versatile that I have a machine at my work used for electronic parts placement and it uses a custom Linux distro.

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