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Kwaad's strong Sony bias is crystal clear in every post that he makes, where it's not even warranted. As the PS3 is struggling, no sane person is saying that Sony is going anywhere. They've built some nice momentum for the Euro launch, even though the Wii sales out of every unit there & is still supply constrained. Erik's right, where's the detail & advanced AI in Nintendogs, MK:DS, AC:WW, BT, NSMB, etc.? Some will say that handhelds shouldn't be categorized in the same group as consoles, & I partially agree only as households can possess multiple handhelds. (multiple children, parents, etc.) Yes, Nintendo has succeeded in *growing* the market undoubtedly. But here's the correlation: the DS has a much, much more powerful & feature-rich competitor in the Sony PSP. A well ingrained brand name the world over, what happened? Price? No, the initially strong Euro PSP/PS3 launches demonstrate otherwise. Franchises? No, most were all accounted for on the PSP. UMDs? Where have they gone? 2-million+, & one multiple million selling title within 5 mos. on the Wii. The Wii also has two technical behemoths to compete with as well, and is doing so. The DS is devouring everything & picking up sales momemtum in NA now as well. The Pokebomb drops this month, the April NPD should be very interesting. Kwaad the dollar can only be split so many ways, & each household or individual has a set amount of disposable income. When tracking or attempting to forecast or predict future market share shifts, this needs to be kept in mind. For every DS Lite being purchased that's subtracting essentially two potential PS3, XBX 360, & Wii software pieces that could have been purchased. Two DS or PSP games another, etc, etc. There are far too many variables & extraneous influences that dictate market share, 100's of characters with facial animation, & advanced physics I assure you aren't 2 of those factors.

"The things we touch have no permanence."