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PeoplesChamp said:
In general, Halo is xbox's flagship title. There are so many reason for being successful, but i'll give you two, its fun and has great replay value. In my opinion its the next best game after goldeneye (my all time favorite) on n64.

I have 2 questions for you:
Have you ever owned a Halo game?
If so, have you ever tried single player campaigns?

I have Combat Evolved [PC] and yes I have played the single player campaign. I don't hate it, but I don't love it either. I bought it just after I completed Metroid Prime because off all the hype and praise I read on the internet... and it sooo left a bad taste in my mouth. The single player campaign is one of the worst single player experiences I ever had. Said that I love the multiplayer and still play it to this day. Halo, IMO, is a solid multiplayer game but SUCKS in the SP department.

"She can feel it changing her. It's becoming a part of her, corrupting her. But what frightens her most... she likes it!" - Effects of Phazon corruption.

Metroid Prime 3 Hype Level: Corrupted


1UP - 9.0 

IGN - 9.5

It is a hardcore game through and through. You will get your ass kicked by bosses. You will be stumped by the sometimes complex, but never overbearing, exploration.
"You'll never want to play any shooter with dual analog sticks ever again - it's THAT good.". - Gametrailers