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Wow, there's so much nonsense in this thread.

a) Western games aren't better than Japanese games. RE5, FFXIII, WKC, Star Ocean, Metal Gear, Pro Evo, etc. are all very much high on the most wanted lists of HD console owners. The fact that FPSs sell very well only tells us that that genre is casualized much more than the more core oriented Japanese games.

If FPS games are more "casualized" then why aren't they selling better on Wii?  I mean people can say what they want about the Wii version of CoD:WaW but it basically had the field to itself on that system.  That alone should have made up for any perceived disadvantages that version of the game had especially considering how crowded the competition was for the PS3 and 360 versions of the game.

b) Japan is still an important market. Due to core Japanese games like DQ and MH Wii could end up selling around 20 million. Konami, Capcom, Atlus, SE, etc definitely care about the home market as well, thus taking away valuable funds that could otherwise be invested in PS360 games.

Konami has already stated they have a major 360/PS3 game planned.  Square Enix still has Star Ocean 4, Final Fantasy 13, etc coming out for HD consoles.   Multiple studios are working on a major horror game that runs on UE3.  Capcom is rumored to have 3 major games in production for HD consoles in addition to the ones we already know about.  Microsoft has promised to bring more RPGs to the 360.  Even if the Wii takes away some of the development budgets there are still big Japanese developed games coming this year and next for the HD consoles.

c) JRPGs are still very much important. Not because of huge sales per se, but because the genre attracts die hard fans. Before DQX it was already clear Wii would be the JRPG console of choice, but the announcement will only amplifie this. In 2009 alone Wii's JRPG library will be bigger than that of the PS360 combined. People can say it's not important all they want, the hype around games like WKC and Star Ocean already tells me it is very much an important genre.

If we can't measure a game's importance and impact by its sales then how can someone claim that they're having a greater impact than games selling millions more?  If FF13 sells millions of copies more outside of Japan than any other JRPG it must be having more of an impact than if 10 lesser known RPGs sell 100,000 each outside of Japan.  Nobody is arguing about Japan (at least I don't think so) this is about the West.

d) Fans of Western games are on 360/PS3. So? This thread is about DQX. And so far it is clear that Japanese games definitely sell much more hardware and software so far. Even the king of the Western games, GTAIV, gets outsold in its launchyear by two games. If anything the industry is trending more Japanese, even though this is mostly a single company.

This thread isn't only about DQX since the original poster is claiming in his 4th paragraph that DQX will somehow cause Western third-parties to move to the Wii.  Considering how well Western made games sell in Japan it's a dubious claim.  I won't comment if Japanese games are better system sellers than Western made games, I think there are too many variables to tell either way.