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Legend11 said:
OriGin said:
I don't think PC gamers will move to the PS3 honestly, if anything they will gravitate more to the Wii.

I really don't understand how PC gamers can do that (I know some do though). For example I was at my parents place and brought my 360 to show my younger brother (he's mainly a PC gamer but his PC is now getting pretty dated). He was actually pretty impressed with the 360 on the 40inch HDTV we tried it on (we tried Madden 08 and Rainbow 6: Vegas), and out of curiosity we decided to try it on a 32inch SDTV to see just how much worse it is. We were shocked as just how bad it looked, colors were nowhere near as vibrant, detail was noticeably lost, text was more difficult to read, and it just seemed to have a muddy look to it. We both agreed that going back to last gen graphics on a SDTV would be very difficult for anyone not used to it. I now see why some people think the Wii's graphics aren't much worse than the 360's, anyone who hasn't seen a 360 on a HDTV would likely feel that way, but I think most people who don't own a HDTV would be shocked at just how much it does improve the 360's graphics.

I also find it odd that they would go from a system with very good network support in games (clans, leagues, MMORPGS, etc) to one that is geared much more towards offline play.

 I have an HDTV and a Wii and have been a long time PC gamer.  I have had a 360 hooked into my HDTV and going from the 360 to the Wii was no big deal for me.  There were certain things that I didn't like about certain 360 games graphically which made me much less impressed with it then I expected.  A lot of devs try to go the realistic route with the 360 which makes people look very unrealistic.  In most games I noticed the people moved very clunky, the eyes looked awful and the color pallettes were very drab.  The Wii controls feel much more like a PC users input and as such feel more friendly for me.  I've played games with higher res then consoles for years and it's never bothered me.  I have a PS2 and still play games on it.  As long as the game looks ok and plays ok, it's not an issue.  I have also been lucky enough to play with HDTV material far longer then most anyone else (1995).  So these graphics arguements are pretty old and tired for me.  Back in 1995 I might have agreed with you.  Nowadays I know better.

Prepare for termination! It is the only logical thing to do, for I am only loyal to Megatron.