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Ita said:
madskillz said:
Reminds me of the runaway bride a few years ago who left her wedding and bailed to Albuquerque. A loon. She was arrested not for actually running away, but for all the police resources it cost finding her.

I guess that warns every woman planning to get married to a person they do not like or feel as if they shouldn't marry him should tell their husbands-to-be that they can't make the commitment just yet, that they need time... instead of running off and making the police look for you then getting arrested..

Shoot, the bride-to-be has a final chance when the minister/justice o the peace has this at the very beginning of most weddings:

Dearly Beloved, we are gathered together here in the sign of God – and in the face of this company – to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony, which is commended to be honorable among all men; and therefore – is not by any – to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly – but reverently, discreetly, advisedly and solemnly. Into this holy estate these two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together – let them speak now or forever hold their peace.

The bride can speak up. It's better to admit you need more time than walk into a marriage that is doomed to fail. It was more embarrasing for the runaway bride and her ex - and her town - when it just would have been an embarrasment to her fam and his.