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Euphoria14 said:
Riachu said:
Euphoria14 said:
Anyone read the thread about Square-Enix realizing what is wrong with JRPGs?

I don't know if I am the only one but it seems as though we have a whole new breed of RPG fan now and from reading the responses in that thread I feel as though these kind of "fresh" ideas are going to destroy what we learned to love from our JRPGs.

Many even go as far as saying Square-Enix should start making their games more like an Oblivion or Fallout 3. Oh the horror, guns, swords and no storyline.

Could you give me the link?

I don't fresh ideas are going to ruin JRPGs just as long as they are done right. Look at Persona 3 and 4. They use fresh ideas and both games, especially the latter, were praised immensely by both reviewers and gamers


Well, these "freash" ideas I was talking about were

#1. Make them more western oriented - Anything but not this!

#2. Make them open world like Oblivion and/or Fallout. - okay as long as it's pulled off nicely

#3. Make the main characters older, around the 25-30+ range. - I'd be the first to support that.