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catofellow said: I don't think a lack of HD penetration limits in any way the sales of PS3 and XBOX 360. It is not like the Wii is the height of standard def graphics and PS3 and 360 can only surpass it with the help of HD. However, among those who do buy an HDTV, however few, I would imagine that they would be more likely to buy a PS3/360 than a Wii.
I just think that they graphics potential for the 360 and PS3 is it main attractor. So if most people don't have a TV capable of getting those graphics, then you lose that selling point. Then add to that, not that many games out, and a large price equal to some peoples monthly rent and you have a problem. We should get a good idea when we see the May numbers. Since the launch will be over and done with and we should just see the actual demand for PS3. If the Wii doesnt catch the 360 WW this year it is only because they couldn't make enough systems. I think if they shipped 4 million units tomorrow they would sell through them in a couple months at most and have the lead. So it is just a supply issue. I think when all is said and done the Wii will have atleast 60% of the market share while 360 and PS3 will split the other 40%. Wii just has that sweet price already, it appeals to many people. And even people that buy a 360 or PS3 will buy a Wii at some point. When sales drop off they could drop the price by $100 if they need to and include Wii Sports / Wii Play / Wii Health and a second set of controllers and still probably make a profit on the hardware.