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gavind5uk said:

Well AMD own ATI soooo.....ok i'll shut up with the semantics....

I ran crysis on my pc with 4gig of ram and the game peaked out at around 1700mb ram usage, now just one of your problems is @2gigs you wont be caching everything because your OS will be taking up more than 300mb, and even if you did have more ram, you dont have a 2nd core to be loading stuff into the ram in the background at any rate.

Crysis as far as i am aware uses a maximum of 2 cores so buying a quad isnt necessary. But an upgrade is likely requirement.

There are also config files you can tinker with, but i wouldnt expect anything more than a 10% improvement.

In any event i ran the game on a quad 6600 @4gig ram, with a 8800 GTS graphics card and wasnt bowled over by the performance, so if you want mint performance your looking at spending a pretty penny, my advice? dont bother, nice graphics, overrated game as a whole, certainly not upgrade worthy.


Very nice post.  Especially the last part.