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Forums - PC Discussion - crysis problems

I just go Crysis today, and i though i would be able to run it at least on medium graphics, but i can't cause  if i try to run it on anything higher than low the screen gets bright, the graphics look worse, and when i move my guy will keep moving even when i take my hand of the moving keys.  I thought i had a good computer my specs are 2g of ram(not sure what kind) 360gb hdd. a 256 meg amd(not sure what series) and 3.4gh amd processer, and windows xp.  So shouldn't my computer be able to run Crysis on Medium decently?? 

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First off there's no such thing as an amd video card and the number of megs dont help at all it could be a geforce 6200 with ddr1 ram, or an 8800 with ddr3 ram.The difference between those two cards being similar too that of the wii and the best looking games on the ps3.

Start -> Run -> Dxdiag

Click ok for everything and tell us what it says under "GPU" or "Graphics processing unit"


Squilliam said:
Start -> Run -> Dxdiag

Click ok for everything and tell us what it says under "GPU" or "Graphics processing unit"


Did that, and here's what it said.

Here's what the first tab(system tab) said:

       Machine name: NOTHING-4A47D68
   Operating System: Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 3 (2600.xpsp.080413-2111)
           Language: English (Regional Setting: English)
System Manufacturer: Compaq Presario 061
       System Model: EG733AA-ABA SR1620NX NA540
               BIOS: Phoenix - Award BIOS v6.00PG
          Processor: AMD Sempron(tm) Processor 3400+,  MMX,  3DNow, ~2.0GHz
             Memory: 2046MB RAM
          Page File: 644MB used, 3295MB available
        Windows Dir: C:\WINDOWS
    DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c (4.09.0000.0904)
DX Setup Parameters: Not found
     DxDiag Version: 5.03.2600.5512 32bit Unicode


And then in the display tab said:



Name:  RADEON X800 series (Omega 3.8.421)

Manufacturer: ATI Technologies Inc. (Omega 3.8.421)

Chip Type: ATI Radeon graphics processer (0x554D)

DAC Type: Internal DAC (400MHz)

Approx. total memory: 256.0 MB

Current display model: 1024x768 (32 bit) (60 Hz)



Your graphics processor is too old to play the game at a good setting and you have a weak single core CPU, so unfortunately your overall computer is too slow to run games adeqautely fast.

It looks like to upgrade, its a $200-$500 complete overhaul.


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Squilliam said:
Your graphics processor is too old to play the game at a good setting and you have a weak single core CPU, so unfortunately your overall computer is too slow to run games adeqautely fast.

It looks like to upgrade, its a $200-$500 complete overhaul.


Wow that blows.  looks like i'm goina have to play on low :(  

At least Crysis only cost me $10

Thanks for the help.

Squilliam said:
Your graphics processor is too old to play the game at a good setting and you have a weak single core CPU, so unfortunately your overall computer is too slow to run games adeqautely fast.

It looks like to upgrade, its a $200-$500 complete overhaul.

I guess it would be better to buy a completely new computer, the motherboard must be old too.

Formação do indíviduo, transformação da sociedade.

yo_john117 said:
Squilliam said:
Your graphics processor is too old to play the game at a good setting and you have a weak single core CPU, so unfortunately your overall computer is too slow to run games adeqautely fast.

It looks like to upgrade, its a $200-$500 complete overhaul.


Wow that blows.  looks like i'm goina have to play on low :(  

At least Crysis only cost me $10

Thanks for the help.

No problem! Though you should be careful, apparantly the visuals even on low are so far ahead of what even a console could produce that you'll never look at an Xbox 360 the same again!


Well AMD own ATI soooo.....ok i'll shut up with the semantics....

I ran crysis on my pc with 4gig of ram and the game peaked out at around 1700mb ram usage, now just one of your problems is @2gigs you wont be caching everything because your OS will be taking up more than 300mb, and even if you did have more ram, you dont have a 2nd core to be loading stuff into the ram in the background at any rate.

Crysis as far as i am aware uses a maximum of 2 cores so buying a quad isnt necessary. But an upgrade is likely requirement.

There are also config files you can tinker with, but i wouldnt expect anything more than a 10% improvement.

In any event i ran the game on a quad 6600 @4gig ram, with a 8800 GTS graphics card and wasnt bowled over by the performance, so if you want mint performance your looking at spending a pretty penny, my advice? dont bother, nice graphics, overrated game as a whole, certainly not upgrade worthy.

gavind5uk said:

Well AMD own ATI soooo.....ok i'll shut up with the semantics....

I ran crysis on my pc with 4gig of ram and the game peaked out at around 1700mb ram usage, now just one of your problems is @2gigs you wont be caching everything because your OS will be taking up more than 300mb, and even if you did have more ram, you dont have a 2nd core to be loading stuff into the ram in the background at any rate.

Crysis as far as i am aware uses a maximum of 2 cores so buying a quad isnt necessary. But an upgrade is likely requirement.

There are also config files you can tinker with, but i wouldnt expect anything more than a 10% improvement.

In any event i ran the game on a quad 6600 @4gig ram, with a 8800 GTS graphics card and wasnt bowled over by the performance, so if you want mint performance your looking at spending a pretty penny, my advice? dont bother, nice graphics, overrated game as a whole, certainly not upgrade worthy.


Very nice post.  Especially the last part.