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RE: something, RE4 and UC sold too well not to get something

Suidoken is a great fit, I think it will come, especially now DG10 is on the Wii
Also, Kojima is rumored to be working on several Wii exclusive titles, no idea what they are
They also recently having been making favorable statements about the Wii

Tales of 10
??? to tired there was more

KH3 (almost a given)
FF:CC (announced already)
FF: 14 or a spinoff of 13
A new IP, kinda like they did with the DS

Nothing Specific, but they like Konami have been speaking highly of the Wii.

They pretty much said the Wii is their focus from here on out, I think Sonic Unleased was the final straw for the HD consoles. they also have a VERY strong relationship with the big N... thus the fact Nintendo let them use mario making sega 10's of millions on Mario and Sonic. Segendo is becoming a reality.

take 2-
they mention GTA on the Wii
like EA and Konami have been lavishing the wii a bit as of late.

3rd Parties Missing the boat a bit
Ubisoft (apart from their casual junk, maybe Red Steel 2 will redeem them)
Activision (We can expect to get ports of HD games from them at best)
there are others mostly western devs, tecmo is the only Japanese dev that seems to be missing the boat on the Wii.

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut