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Yes yes, it's a big conspiracy. The media all loves MS and hates Sony. People sell their consoles because the media tells them to, right? Because MS pays the media to tell them to, right?

The only people that give a rat's ass about console sales are the small microcosm of gamers that come to sites like this one. That in NO WAY represents the mass majority of gamers. The mass majority of gamers play the games/consoles that seem like the most fun, and the mass majority of gamers are people whose parents buy their consoles for them, which means price is a factor. Ask any Wii or 360 owning child/parent if they know which console is in which place. They probably won't know. But you can bet your ass the parent will know which ones cost how much. The Wii is just an unstoppable beast this gen. The hardcore gamers are looking to the 360 for its great library and the large community of people playing on Live. The PS3 is simply just getting the least amount of attention from gamers. It is perceived by gamers as the third most fun console.

Cry about conspiracies all you want, the fate of a console is decided by the people who buy the consoles and their software titles. The media is just reporting on it. The media has reported negatively on the Xbox 360 zillions of times too. I suppose when it's against the 360 it's right on, but when it's against the PS3 it's a conspiracy, right?

Selling your console because you feel pressured to do so is 100% stupidity, and I honestly question if that story is even true. Especially because the guy already has a 360. Why not use your PS3 for BluRay and the occasional exclusive like MGS4, LBP, Killzone 2, etc.