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     I just read through a few of the posts on a different thread, "What DON'T you like about your console"  and I just have to comment about one regarding the PS3.

It never occured to me that because of the mandatory installs, required because of the slow reading Blu-Ray drive, that eventually the HDD might fill up (depending on how many games, movies, etc...etc.. you have stored) forcing you to ERASE an older game you might not have finished or still like to play if you want to play a game you just bought.

That's absolutely insane.

So... if that scenario actually plays out for a few of you.... instead of just being able to pop in an old game that you enjoy and play it... you have to re-install it on your PS3's HDD first. What an absolutely rediculous format restriction... and yet you guys endlessly stick up for the PS3's amazing capabilities although you can't even enjoy the same basic 'gaming' functionality that the Atari 2600 gave customers back in 1977. 30 years ago.

I can always buy an inexpensive upgrade to the HD, but just the fact that limitation even exists for PS3 owners is crazy to me. ANY GAME SYSTEM SHOULD PLAY THE GAME YOU PUT IN THE DRIVE WITHOUT ANY HEADACHES. PERIOD.

I'm not trying to troll here, I'm just amazed by that. That's simply crazy and if I were a PS3 owner (albeit, enjoying the likes of MSG4, LBp and Drake's Fortune) that would be more than enough to pick up the competition's console.