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Everyone forgets Tatsunoko vs Capcom. Big title indeed. And I will be damned it is not better than Street Fighter IV when the dust clears.

I think there will be a sequel to that game along with a couple of new franchises that are made and tailored for Wii. The one franchise I really want to come to Wii is Phantasy Star Online.

Also, with the new TMNT game announced as Wii exclusive, I really want to know where that is going to go. Mutant League Football or some sort of knock off game would be awesome.

I already know RPG games are coming, so there is no need for me to worry about it. My biggest interest is in games like Ogre Battle and Tales of... games because I like them more than traditional JRPG or WRPG games.

And Aero the Acro-bat would be win!

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