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Thanks EA - you have done it again. Why did you even bother with this? Why not skip the release, and roll the extra time into making real progress for next years version?

IGN review:

All you need to know:

"This year’s Tiger Woods effort isn’t a letdown because of a lack of fluid controls or borderline broken swing tracking which – arguably – was the case last year. This time around it’s a compilation of issues that remain in Tiger’s overall Wii effort, as the game has improved only slightly over 07, and still feels like the PS2 version with a Wii-mote add-on. Golf is one of the easiest concepts to sell on Wii, and for some reason Tiger is the black sheep two versions running because it lacks any of the attention that its companion Wii games are getting from EA. There’s no Mii implementation, no online, no Party Mode or Wii-exclusive mini-game content, and nothing that really shows that EA is dedicating any thought, time, or effort into the franchise on Nintendo’s system that – quite frankly – is built perfectly for an amazing golf experience.

If you’re comparing Tiger 07 to 08, of course 08 is the better experience, but it’s still a far cry from what the franchise is capable of on Wii, and it’s pretty obvious that Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08 was a back-burner title for Nintendo’s console this year. In a perfect world, Tiger Woods 08 would automatically be sent out to all 07 owners free of charge as a version upgrade, as it’s pretty much the same game minus all the "launch-itis" flaws. We'd recommend this one to avid golf fans, but at this point it’d be a far better move to just wait for 09, 10, or beyond. Tiger is a perfect franchise for Wii; EA just needs to be notified."



Rating Description
out of 10 click here for ratings guide
7.0 Presentation
Nearly identical to 07. Interface is clean and easy to use, and the amount of game modes and options is adequate. Compared to the extra stuff in FIFA, Live or Madden, though, it comes up lacking.
7.0 Graphics
Still unchanged from its predecessor, plain and simple. PS2-like in every respect.
6.0 Sound
Rehashed sound effects remind us again of 07. Nothing major has changed here.
7.5 Gameplay
An improvement all-around, but in small, subtle ways. Everything feels just a bit better. No added Mii implementation or Party Mode is missed, as is online.
7.5 Lasting Appeal
It's still a deep golf game, but the sports bar has been raised over the year. Online is missed, as is more attention to local multi-user play. Rehashed from last year…
(out of 10 / not an average)


Conclusion: come back to us in 12 months time, when you have a real update for us. And pray that Ninty hasn't released Mario (or Mii) Golf in the meantime.

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