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Most threads here seem to be devoted to trashing other consoles, what do you think could be improved on your own console?


As a PS3 owner i hate the installs, especially as a person who has a 40GB PS3 and hard drive is full of games that i dont want to remove just to reinstall when I want to play again.  I understand its neccesary due to the slower blue-ray drive but damn....


I also think that the playstation network could do a little better pariculary in the PS1 games it offers as there isnt much of a selection as of now.  I also think that they need to get more current demos up to coincide with the release of games.  There are so many games I have been interested in and would have loved to play a demo before buying.  Only recently did PSN put demos of MGS4 and Warhawk up.  2 games that were released 6 months and over a year before. 

Other than those few things I love my console, it treats me well and i try and return the favor!