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naznatips said:
Astrodust said:
naznatips said:
Astrodust said:
robjoh said:
GranTurismo said:
Bio got a 9 and MP3 got an 8.5 i don't see what the problem is, bio is by far a better game in every way. Did you guys even watch the review video, they said exactly why it got the score it did. Of course Halo3 is going to get a better score, it has online play.

Halo3 will have a replay value that is 100x better then MP3, people will play it for over 1000 hours online. MP3 cannot match that, If it had online i'm sure it would of had a score of 9.

Metroid has never been a multiplayer game and multiplayer on a Metroid game is actualy something bad for the fanbase of Metroid. If a metroid game gets a minus for multiplayer the reviewer isn't a fan of metroid.


The review actualy sounds good if you read it, they are complaining about to good controlls (which sounds a little bit strange and multiplayer but otherwise it sounds like a good title.

Actually Metroid made a multiplayer debut on the DS called Hunters and it got great reviews. Metroid is the game that already has an established fanbase. It would make sense that if Nintendo wanted to enter the FPS multiplayer arena then Metroid would be the game to take them there. Not only that but it would add to the longevity of the game and increase sales.

Also has anyone out there picked up the game yet? The Futureshop I called said it won't be in until Wednesday.

Hunters was a horrible Metroid game, was criticized by nearly every major reviewer because of it, and hated by Metroid fans. Hunters was a great handheld shooter, but had nothing to do with the Metroid series. They completely destroyed the style of game (massive exploration and puzzle solving) in order to make it into an FPS. I have been playing Prime 3 for a few hours now and thank god that's not what they did with this game. It's a bit combat heavy in the beginning but it manages to strike a great balance after that, and again, it would have sucked with multiplayer.

Sorry but I how can you say that every major reviewer was critical of the game.

This game scored just fine. The reason that it didn't do well on the DS may have more to do with it coming out early in the DS's lifetime and that FPS are more successful on home consoles. I am not saying the game was great but by the critics reviews it scored lots of 9's.

That's your problem... you have to READ reviews, not scores.  Most reviewers point out that it's a fun game in its own right, but not a good Metroid.  the ones that don't were put off by the Metroid style in the first place.  Either way, the game is a good shooter, and a bad Metroid.  I recommend you check out the gametrailers review of it to see what I mean.  It was an FPS, not an FPA, and that's why it sold badly and wasn't reviewed anywhere near the levels of the other Prime games.

Every good review will criticize a game. It's what good reviews do. It doesn't make it a horrible game(your oppinion) so stop trying to force your oppinion on other people when it doesn't even come close to reflecting what the game scored overall. 13th ALL TIME on the DS. Franchises sometimes branch off and form other games. Mario can become Mario Strikers ect. People are arguing that Metroid has never made an appearance as a multiplayer game and I am saying it is untrue. People are saying the Hunters scored poorly with critics and this is also untrue.

The thing is multiplayer would add to the Metroid series, not detract from it (my oppinion). Does the multiplayer aspect take away from games like Gears of War or Halo? No it doesn't. It's nice to have something to keep you playing when you've beaten the game 10 times.