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Senlis said:
vlad321 said:

I think you completely missed the point. I can get a PC for EXTRMELY cheap. I was recently looking to buy a nice cheap computer to write some iPhone apps for. My mind changed as soon as I saw the fact that the cheapest one is 600 bucks. Do you know what kind of a PC can be built for that same price?

Just to clear things up, it's not that I love Windows, I just hate how everyone is praising Apple when it doesn't deserve even 1/10th of the praise.


Edit: Also like I said, the reason for Windows dominating is because Gates gave the license to EVERYONE, everyone could make it and put it on their computers no matter what their specs were. Apple dug their own grave with their business plan.

I think you missed my point.

"Do you know what kind of a PC can be built for that same price?" When you look at a 600$ PC, it's specifications and abilities will be lower or equal to a Mac.  That is not counting that the Mac will be made out of better parts.  It is true that there are no cheapo Macs, but Apple does not target that market.  If you want a computer that cheap, you should buy one and put Linux on it anyway.

As for the last part, if Apple tried to compete with Microsoft by doing the same thing, they probably would not be in business.  It is Apple's decision to do what they do that has kept them around.  I will stand by my opinion that the only reason that the average person buys a PC with Windows on it is because they don't realize they have options.

My original argument is that because Apple only has their software on their won hardware, Macs are expensive. I never said more expensive than an equivalent Windows machine, just expensive. Which is true, and yes, I can just get Linux for free and stick it on the computer for the cheapest option. I want a cheap computer to get my stuff done, which would entail just typing stuff out and maybe compiling and browsing the internet. Apple has absolutely no opting for people like me at all.That's why your whole point of "a mac with same specs will be cheaper than another pre-built PC" is irrelevant, because I can ultimately get even a pre-built PC for a very cheap price which would do me just fine.


Also, I'm talking Apple screwed themselves over back in the day, when Windows didn't even exist and Apple was the only one on the market. The whole argument "everyone else has it" is not valid back then because no one did have Windows, it startd from zero and worked its way up by itself. That's when their business model/practices screwed them over the hardest and almost put them out of business until the iPod put them back on the map.


Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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