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Squilliam said:
disolitude said:
Squil brings up another valid question. Ima game on my 67 inch 1080p samsung TV. Will use DVI to HDMI adapter and do the HDMI thing.

Do you guys see any issues with this related to which card to get?

Will be using my 360 controller :)

If you're running sound through HDMI. Get an AMD card!

I don't think Nvidia lets you do sound over HDMI via a converter. AFAIK.

Other issues - Noise?, Anti-Aliasing (Jaggies).

1920/1080 justifies going up to a 4870 (If you like good visuals)




And this gen of ATI cards dont have problems with high noise.

And one more thing - the memory of the GPU. Usually size of the RAM is a non-factor for most settings but with that huge screen u got disolitude, you're probably aiming for 1920/1080 res why you should pick a 1 GB version of either the 4850 or 4870. It really starts to become worth it in modern games, especially if the price difference 512MB--->1GB often is just $20.