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ChronotriggerJM said:
@vtx Not a snide remark on my end, but does that include a copy of windows by any chance? Or stuff like your mouse and keyboard etc etc.

I think alot of it just boils down to the know how, and many people just don't know how. I never started with PC gaming, so I have no idea what any of that AMD Triathlon UMX 48,000 stuff means :P PC gaming in general just isn't as user friendly as it is for consoles. And I think if you have the knowledge of all that, then yes you will be able to see better performance than that of consoles. But my thought's still stand, Crysis isn't lightyears beyond anything the consoles can put out. It's not the benchmark for the next generation of consoles.


Got my copy from my school, around 10$ for kb/m and what's the etc?  Can't think of anything missing right now.

I agree with what you said about people not knowing how to spec and build a comp but how hard is it to ask someone who does or copy someone's build.

If that's what you think, that's fine.  Given how console centric this site is, pretty sure that most people here wouldn't change their minds either.