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fazz said:
arsenicazure said:

These pics r taken on $1000+ systems. .

Like my system?

Magnific0 said:

You won't be able to run , not only Crysis, that would be a joke the way you'd have to play it, you wouldn't be able to run the same games available for those HD consoles like Gears of War, Devil May Cry 4, Prince of Persia, etc, not as well as PS360 can do it. It's a well-known fact.


You should check your facts then... because DMC4 runs at over 70 frames per second with antialiasing and everything maxed out on a Radeon HD4670... an $80 bucks card...

On my rig, it runs at near 200 frames per second hehe...

@arsenicazure - cpu($65)/mobo(70$)/video(100$)/ram(40$)/case&psu(150$)/hdd(70$) - granted, it's not locked @ 30 fps with maxed settings/1680x1050 yet but i didnt even install the optimization pack yet.  also shouldn't have spent so much on the case and bought a better cpu lol... still well under 1000$


@manifico - gears of war, same rig but @ 1440x900 and a 1600pro ran it fine maxed out.


dunno why's everyone talkin about prices and all that either, PCs do a lot more than games you know?  besides, i thought this topic was about crysis vs console games, not about running the best looking game on the cheapest hardware.