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Console kiddies don't really understand resolution. I can emulate Zelda for N64 in 1080p, I could even use the high-res texture pack that's been made for the emu, but it's not going to drastically change the game.   

When console kiddies talk about "HD" I think they're trying to refer to visual effects like bloom lighting, bump mapping, shaders and so on, especially since many of their favorite games (GTA IV, Halo, etc.) aren't technically high-def and run well below 720p.

PC + Wii owners unite.  Our last-gen dying platforms have access to nearly every 90+ rated game this gen.  Building a PC that visually outperforms PS360 is cheap and easy.    Oct 7th 2010 predictions (made Dec 17th '08)
PC: 10^9
Wii: 10^8